Friday, September 14, 2007

Thank You Volunteers!

I'd like to say thank you to those who have volunteered to try the Erotic Ga Empowerment distance session with me. I did three of them last night and they went very well. It always amazes me how different each session is - like feeling hot spots in certain areas and then when working on the next person, those spots are gone or found elsewhere. Very interesting...

I still have a few of you to get to, but as tonight is Chat night at Mernac, we'll have to arrange to do the sessions tomorrow night instead.

Thanks again everyone; I really appreciate your help and support. Oh! And I just got my first paying client!



Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations! Getting paid to do something you enjoy is admirable. I'm jealous. =)

Incubus_Frost_of_Mernac said...

My volunteer session was the most unusual experience ever. I expected something directly related to erogenous zones. Instead, I received expanded in-depth healing, which didn't stop with the session itself. Indeed, the following evening I discovered the arthritic pinky finger which had pained me constantly for about 2 months is now completely pain-free and movable again; and my constant daily headache has disappeared. Quont does a marvelous job of delivering the Erotic GA Empowerment, and additionally, works through the recipient in email follow-up to help us ground the healing and understand the energy flows. I recommend it tremendously! I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't benefit all. Go for it!

Quont said...

Thank you for stopping by Joseph! Well it's a start at least. lol I hope there will be many more clients to come.

Quont said...

Thank you Frost, I'm glad to hear you had such a powerful and positive experience from your session.

Vickie said...

I agree that everyone should try at least one session with Quont! It's an amazing experience -- not only did my migraines disappear for a week, I no longer wanted to strangle my co-workers ;-)

Quont said...

LOL Well that's a good sign! Thank you Vickie - it was a pleasure to work with you.