Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Discovering Your Aura - Part 2

Continued from Part 1

The layers, or bodies, of the aura are not segregated from one another, but are all interconnected. Each one corresponds to one of the seven major Chakras, as well as to various organs of the body, thus reflecting our state of well being or ill health. The first three layers, those closest to the physical body, are the densest and make up our personality, while the last four layers are finer and form our spiritual selves.

Let’s take a closer look at these seven layers and what they represent.

1. The etheric layer or vital body controls the cosmic life force that enters the physical body. This is the densest and easiest layer to see and it extends approximately one to two inches from the body. This layer corresponds to the Root Chakra and is associated with issues related to the physical body, like the sensations of pain or pleasure and the survival instincts.

2. The emotional layer registers the feelings, desires and sensory faculties of the individual. This layer corresponds to the Sacral Chakra and extends about one to six inches from the body. It is the layer most often described by sensitives during readings.

3. The mental layer reacts to the thoughts both generated and received by the individual, and is the seat of our personal power. This layer corresponds to the Solar Plexus Chakra.

4. The causal layer retains all of the potential of the individual for his or her future development. This layer corresponds to the Heart Chakra and to love, both specific and universal. All healing comes through this first layer of our spiritual bodies.

5. The etheric template or Atmic layer reflects the higher aspects of our will and our connection to the divine will. It is also our communication centre, corresponding to the Throat Chakra. This is the layer where we take responsibility for our actions and from where we practice manifesting.

6. The intuitive layer, corresponding to the Third-Eye or Brow Chakra, encompasses our spiritual communication, our nurturing and awareness of ourselves and our love and divine connection to life and all there is.

7. The cosmic layer, related to the Crown Chakra, is our higher mind. It is our connection to the divine and our spiritual awareness, integrating body, mind and soul.

The question I probably get asked the most as an aura sensitive is, ‘what colour is my aura?’

Interpreting colours can be very subjective and discussions on the matter can raise conflicting answers. There does, however, seem to be a consensus on what the various colours of the aura mean. Generally, the colours represent the following:

Red symbolizes life and vitality, passion and drive to succeed.

Orange represents energy and creativity with high aspirations and ambition for success. It denotes a high-minded, confident and expressive individual, but also proud with a narrow outlook.

Yellow represents the intellect and mental power, artistry and creativity, as well as wisdom, discipline and confidence.

Green relates to harmony, healing, growth and abundance, as well as to teaching, perseverance and high self-esteem.

Blue symbolizes inspiration, peace, and tranquility, as well as honesty, deep feelings of love and affection and communication and unity.

Indigo relates to intuition, spirituality and integrity, as well as to psychic skills and past or ancient memories.

Violet relates to imagination and vision, as well as to enchantment, charm and deep spiritual understanding and wisdom. It is the highest point of evolving consciousness.

White incorporates the qualities of all the other colours and it denotes a highly evolved spiritual person who is at one with the divine and all there is.

Brown suggests an earthiness about the individual, as well as being well grounded and connected to the here and now.

Your aura is a beautiful ever-changing reflection of who you are. Being able to read it can help you to learn a lot about yourself and your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of health.

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