Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Welcome to my new magical scrolls blog! This one, my darlings, will be dedicated to information about my Erotic Ga Empowerment sessions, Reiki that I learned on planet Dirt, and other spiritual and alternative healing methods found both there and on Mernac.

I know, such matters are better left to my sister Dulan, the Mother of Healing and Compassion, but as I am consumed with my desire to be restored to my True Form, this has become a great interest of mine.

Now then, I won’t be posting here every day, or nearly every day, like I do at my main Quont blog, but I plan on keeping it fairly well up-to-date for you, my pets.

So thank you for coming and please do visit again.

Father Quont, Mernac's God of Lust

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